вторник, 6 марта 2012 г.

Multipurpose frigate FREMM

The FREMM Multipurpose Frigate (French Frégate multi-mission or Italian Fregata multi-missione) is a ship designed by DCNS/Armaris and Fincantieri to operate in anti-air, anti-submarine and anti-ship warfare, and be capable of carrying out deep strikes against land targets.
The French Navy plans to operate eleven FREMM frigates, and the Marina Militare ten. The first commissionings are expected in 2012. The ships will be built in France by Armaris (owned by DCNS), and in Italy by Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (a joint venture between shipbuilder Fincantieri and aerospace firm Finmeccanica ). This arrangement extends the partnerships forged for development of the Horizon CNGFs (Common New Generation Frigates).



Three versions of the frigates are planned: one anti-submarine version, one anti-aircraft version (FR) FREDA and a general-purpose (IT) version. French and Italians will use these with some equipment which will differ between the two countries. The French are considering an anti-aircraft version called FREDA, which will replace the two units of the Cassard class.
In spite of the existence of three different versions of the FREMM, their design as well as most of their armament will be similar.

Common equipment


  • MU 90 torpedoes
  • MBDA Aster SAAM in SYLVER launchers
  • Otobreda 76 mm Super Rapid gun (with Davide ammunition on Italian version)
  • NH90 helicopter, with capability for EH101, Cougar and Caracal
  • Thales UMS 4410 CL Hull sonar suite.
  • Two Sigen RECM jammer

French-specific equipement


  • IRST Thales Artemis
  • Terma Scanter 2001 radar
  • Sagem Najir fire control system for the 76mm canon
  • Héraklès radar
  • SETIS combat system
  • NGDS decoy launcher
  • Two Nexter 20mm
  • MM-40 Exocet block 3, for naval and land attack
  • Two additional Sylver A70 for 16 SCALP Naval cruise missile with a range up to 1000 km
  • Samahé helicopter handling system

Italian-specific equipment


  • IRST Galileo Avionica SASS
  • NA-25 DARDO-F fire control system for the 76mm cannon
  • EMPAR radar
  • SAMP-SD combat system
  • SCLAR - H decoy system
  • Two Sylver A70 systems
  • Two Oto Melara/Oerlikon 25mm
  • Teseo\Otomat Mk-2/A block 4, for naval and land attack
  • A second Otobreda 76 mm Super Rapid gun on the hangar
  • TC-ASIST helicopter handling syst

Anti-submarine version


  • Towed sonar : Captas UMS 4249
  • MILAS ASW missile (Italian only)

Italian land attack version


The Land attack version is dubbed GP ("General Purpose")
  • Otobreda 127/64 LW with Vulcano guided ammunition with a range up to 120 km

French anti-air version and Italian improvements


The anti-air version is dubbed FREDA ("Frégates de défense aériennes", "Air defence frigate"). Following the cancellation of the third and fourth Horizon class frigates, the French Navy has started studies for an anti-air version of the FREMM, called FREDA.
The FREDA could carry up to 32 Aster 30 & Aster 15 and a more powerful version of the Herakles radar. They would also have the standard armament of one 76 mm gun, two 20 mm guns and 8 Exocet missiles and torpedoes. This version also offert improvement of the SETIS combat system for the air defense role
Also all the Italian ships will carry the Aster 30, with an improved Anti Aircracft system. But no specific names are given to this modificatio


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